Saturday, March 29, 2014


This is a game which I played yesterday with my friends while we’re trying to learn English together, and I’m writing this with English, too. Otim, you must be regret because you missed this. The name of the game is Play God, sounds interesting, right? Because here, we played a role as a God [WOW!], we have right to make very important decisions that seriously affect other people’s live.

This case remembered me several years ago, when I joined AIESEC LC Undip recruitment in Focus Group Discussion (FGD) step, we divided into group, and did this thing with different case, the case was about what should we bring in outer space. Fun!

The Case


A nuclear was has just taken a place! Soon, most of the world will be destroyed by radiation. However, you, the delegates of the United Nations, have just learned that due to unusual wind patterns one small, uninhabited island 300 miles off the coast of Australia will not be completely destroyed. Scientists think that the plants on the island will be damaged, but the soil will not be ruined.

Unfortunately, there is only time for one small airplane at an Australian airport to make it to the island. Aside from the pilot, the plane can carry only six people. But there are 10 people at the airport who want to get on the airplane. As delegates of UN, you have one hour to decide which six of the following people will live, and which four must die.

Remember, as you decide on a basis for selecting people, that the six people you choose will have to start a new civilization. Give reasons why decide possible survivors, reasons in favor of survival, and reason against survival!

The Possible Survivors:
1.      A man of religion (age unknown)
2.      A homosexual doctor (male, age 46)
3.      A female singer (age 30)
4.      A policeman with a gun (age unknown)
5.      The chief of an African tribe (age unknown)
6.      The chief pregnant wife (age unknown)
7.      A judge (male age 41)
8.      A university professor (female age 32)
9.      A warrior from a near by South Pacific with a spear (male, age unknown)
10.   An alcoholic agricultural scientist (female, age unknown)

Well actually, the real condition was not as easy as I imagine before. We discussed and argued, the end we got different perception. These were the result of our discussion, with my modification.

First thing first, we have to know what should we do aftermath, in this case is a nuclear war.Just do the the best, think that we are smart, because we are God (UN delegate actually). I made this situation like Adam and Hawa little verion, because earth is like a new place, but here we had some qualified people, and we need to choose who will be the next Adam and Hawa (with adding 4 more people haha). There are several things we should do aftermath, which are: 

1. Survive
Of course, the first important thing is how to survive in the new world, how they can live longer to start a new civilization with only six people inside.
 2. Food
To live longer, we need an ammunition to our body: food. But think again, how come? A nuclear war has just happened.
3. Someone who makes us not to give up
It must be hard to make themselves keep in good spirit, I believe some of them may be give up, or may be want to suicide. So, what they need is someone who makes them not to give up. Who? Find out later!
4. Regeneration
This is the most important thing: a regeneration. By what? Man and woman do *sensor*. Because of a new live, they need man, woman, family, society, civil, and new civilization. That’s what people do in the world.

There are ten people, but plane can carry only six people. The possible survivors we chose:
 1. A female singer (female)
 2. The chief of an African tribe (male)
 3. The chief pregnant wife (female)
 4. A university professor (female)
 5. A warrior from a near by South Pacific Island with a spear (male)
 6. An alcoholic agricultural scientist (female)

Reasons in favor of survival:
In a community we need to choose a chief, the most qualified candidate was the chief of an African tribe, because when we see his title, we knew he had long and good track record, didn’t you? He was born and live from Africa, he knew how to live a new live with followers. He got a natural leader that came from his self, very natural, because he was from nature, the real nature which has yet contaminated. Absolutely, he knew how to survive and lead a tribe.

A warrior male from a near by South Pacific Island, he had spear to fish or hunt animal (still hope there’re still healthy animal remnants from a nuclear war). And usually, a warrior was taught how to survive when they’re in war, and know how to coordinate each other. Those will help others to survive.

It said the plants on the island will be damaged, but the soil will not be ruined, that’s why they need a soil scientist, at least agricultural scientist who knows little bit about soil and know how to cultivate the land. And here she is, an alcoholic agricultural scientist. Hope this scientist will help them to make some food.

There were two men and four women, as I said, they need regeneration to create a new civilization, that’s why women was more important than men in case of regeneration. In calculation, one baby born in 9 months, so four woman will make it faster. Although, there were two women we didin’t know the age, one of them is the chief pregnant wife (although it will make the man hard to do ‘that’ thing, and what do you think if we don’t choose the chief’s wife, we’ll die) and another one is an alcoholic, and maybe it will be hard to make a healthy baby from an alcoholic. Oh yaa, the new place is nothing, it means there is no alcohol, and she won’t be an alcoholic ever. But, the others was in fertile age: The singer is in 30, we think she’s fine, and the young university professor, 32, was brilliant, she will born a smart baby. Just make a fortune :))

Reasons against survival:
A man of religion. First, we think they need someone who will lead (in religion) and make them not to give up, the religion man could handle this. But again, we think without this man, they can support each other.  About the religion? We can’t force them to choose the same religion like the religion man, they can keep their previous religion. Let God send His messenger to this new civilization, then let it flow.

A homosexual doctor. We hesitate to throw away this homo, but after long discussion, we decide to let him go, not because of his homosexual, we just think there is nothing he can do, because they already got the chief of an African tribe and wife, a warrior with a spear, and an agricultural scientist. If they combined in one, they can help sick people with organic concoction.

A policeman with a gun. We don’t need him so much, really. What for the gun for a new live?

A judge. My friend said that they need a judge to make a regulation or law, but again I said: what for? Because they live with only six people inside, small regulation is ok, and it can be made by themselves. Judge is for civilization with big society.

Nuclear energy is the world’s largest source of emission-free energy, and so much advantages can we get from it. What makes it dangerous is when we don’t know and do not use it carefully, but disaster is still disaster, we don’t know when and where it will be happened. As long as nuclear weapons exist, there are always be positive or negative effects. If we don’t want to make this case really happened, please do it wisely.

The End.
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Saturday, March 15, 2014



Suatu hari Ibnu dan Fajar yang sedang aktif membina hubungan baik dengan skripsi bertandang ke Perpustakaan Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat (FKM) di salah satu universitas di Semarang dengan tujuan meminjam referensi agar hubungannya dengan skripsi semakin baik. Tapi apa daya, yang bukan mahasiswa Fakultas tersebut tidak bisa meminjam dan membawa pulang segala referensi milik perpustakaan FKM.

Beruntungnya Fajar punya koneksi yang luas di berbagai macam fakultas, terbukti dari boncengan (motor) nya yang seringkali berbeda dari hari ke hari. Tanpa rencana, tiba-tiba ada teman se-Tegal yang membawa temannya datang menghampiri “Mas Fajar, ngapain?” Fajar menceritakan kronologi kedatangannya ke sana. Teman yang dibawa kenalannya Fajar cukup manis (FKM memang terkenal dengan produksi cewe-cewe manis), dan cukup menarik perhatian Ibnu. Ia memulai membisiki Fajar “John, cantik John” (panggilan sayang ibnu ke Fajar). Tiba-tiba Fajar minta dikenalin sama teman kenalannya ini, Fajar berkenalan lalu mereka pergi.

Ibnu langsung saja protes “kenapa gw gak dikenalin?!” Ternyata selama proses kenalan, Fajar tidak menyadari kehadiran Ibnu yang sedari tadi berada disampingnya, lupa katanya. Ibnu meminta Fajar mengejar dua orang yang baru ditemuinya itu dan menanyakan kemana arah tujuan mereka setelah ini, ternyata “makan”. Kesempatan bagus buat Ibnu supaya bisa kenal lebih dalam, itung-itung buat move on “Ikut mereka makan aja!” Tawaran makan bareng disetujui pihak cewe, tetapi kata Fajar setelah itu “Tapi gw lagi puasa, nu.”

Ibnu yang rada-rada gak beres bilang “Dibatalin aja!” Fajar dengan yakin berkata “Oke deh” sambil berlalu menghampiri kedua cewe itu dan balik lagi ke Ibnu. “Makan dimana mereka?” Tanya Ibnu. Fajar dengan polos dan benar-benar tidak berdosa bilang ke Ibnu “Lha, katanya dibatalin?” Ibnu elus-elus dada “Ampunn, maksud gw batalin puasa lo, bukan batalin makannya”

Begitulah Ibnu dengan niat jahatnya nyuruh orang ngebatalin puasa di jam 5 sore. Merasa dirugikan dengan kepolosan temannya karena gak jadi kenalan dengan cewe yang dilihatnya lebih dulu daripada Fajar. Karena jarang-jarang tipe cewe mereka sama. Terbukti dari perbedaan standar tema skripsi yang sedang ditempuh, Ibnu berstandar ISO, Fajar berstandar OHSAS.

Dear Ibnu, cepat tobat yah.
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Saturday, March 8, 2014

Jamie Cullum Live at Java Jazz Festival 2014

Just arrived in Jakarta and ate rendang
Source: Facebook

Jamie Cullum performed at JIExpo Kemayoran, Central Jakarta on February 28, 2014 at 11pm (based on schedule). But actually, he performed in the early morning on March 1, 2014, and if it were not because of Jamie Cullum, for sure, I wouldn't be there. Wasting my time on the way more than five hours fiuhh, it took up to two hours from Cempaka Putih to JIExpo (less than 3 km) by car because of traffic. Then, it took one hour to queue to the first gate daily tickets to get in to Java Jazz Festival. And finally, needed almost two hours to queue again to pass second gate tickets for Jamie Cullum special performance. I remembered at that time thatI almost fainted. The weather was so stuffy, I need oxygen.

Went into Clear Hall, where Jamie would be performed, we needed to wait again until one hour, it was because of check sound, mc chit chat, and welcoming speech from The Promotor of Java Jazz Festival, Peter F. Gontha, he awarded Gita Wirjawan, The President Candidate of Indonesia as his contribution to Java Jazz Festival.

But those all were certainly worth to wait Jamie Cullum in Java Jazz Festival 2014 because of his very spectacular performance. It was his 2nd performance in Jakarta. First time was seven years ago, when he was so young and cute. This time, Jamie opened the concert with The Same Thing, his latest album Momentum, and went about 20 songs in more than 1.5 hours. In the middle of Get Your Way, suddenly he was standing atop and leaping off the piano, also played snare drum and cow bell for Everything You Didn’t Do, and beatboxed, produce music from his body by mouth then hit the chest and cheek, which are Drop It Like It’s Hot, Xo, and I could Have Danced All Night. Jamie Cullum is the most talented and attractive person, without doubt, he is the most entertaining musician I have ever seen. He acted like an attractive child, moved here and there, could never sit still while playing the piano. He’s 35, but still looks ridiculously youthful. He showed great stage presence. The energy was so amazing, like a machine, his condition was stable till the end.


Source: Twitter
Jamie Cullum Played Cowbell, Snore Drum, and Beatboxed
Source: Video JJF2014 (Youtube)

Jamie Cullum on JJF 2007
Source: Video JJF 2007 (Youtube)

Jamie Cullum on JJF 2014
Source: Video JJF 2014 (Youtube)

To get close to the audiences, Jamie Cullum went down the stage. I’ve watched the other performance on DVD when he did his live concert at Montreux Jazz Festival 2009 for album The Pursuit in Rotterdam, Jamie also went down the stage, and sang in the middle of audience. Unfortunately, the Clear Hall JJF 2014 was fenced, so Jamie was just singing along outside the fence. I believe if it weren’t fenced, he would have done like what happened at Montreux Jazz Festival. Jamie, in several times also said Thank You in Bahasa Indonesia, shouted “Jakarta’, even 'I Love You, too' and inserted some words like “Indonesian’s girl bla bla bla and “Java Jazz..” (I don’t know then) in some of the songs, and change London Skies to Jakarta Skies. He is such a very humble entertainer.

The most awesome thing was when Jamie Cullum gave us extra time more than 30 minutes. One more thing, Jamie Cullum didn’t make a list in this performance, he decided it when he got on stage, WOW! As I saw there,he was so happy to be right here in JI Expo, as he said “Jakarta, we’ve come a long way to play for you tonight. We’re so so happy to be here tonight..” Of course, there were thousands of audiences watched him, shouted and cheered from the beginning till the end. Standing Ovation!

The concert was more than I expected, I didn’t realize there were so many people came there, and I couldn’t believe so many Indonesian people know about Jamie Cullum, and also his songs. I felt like all citizen in Jakarta was compiled at Java Jazz Festival. 12,000 special tickets were sold out to see Special Show of Jamie Cullum.
Taken from Stage by Brad Webb
Source: Twitter

These were the list that Jamie song that night (if I didn’t wrong), and you know what, his voice came out just like in the CD.
1.        The Same Thing (Momentum)
2.        Get Your Way (Catching Tales)
3.        I’m All Over It (The Pursuit)
4.        Everything You Didn’t Do (Momentum)
5.        What A Difference A Day Made (Twenty Something)
6.        Just One Of Those Things  (The Pursuit, Written By Cole Porter)
7.        The Wind Cries Mary (Twenty Something, By Jimi Hendrix)
8.        Mind Trick (Catching Tales)
9.        Everlasting Love (Twenty Something)
10.     Save Your Soul (Momentum)
11.     Drop It Like It's Hot (By Snoop Dog)
12.     Xo (By Beyonce)
13.     I Could Have Dance All Night (Twenty Something)
14.     Get Lucky (By Daff Punk)
15.     Love For Sale (Momentum)
16.     When I Get Famous (Momentum)
17.     Please Don't Stop The Music (By Rihanna)
18.     I'm All at Sea (Twenty Something)
19.     London Skies (Catching tales)
20.     These Are The Days (Twenty Something)

21.     Mixtape (The Pursuit)

Jamie’s Touring Band which is immensely talented are Tom Richards (saxophonist, occasional guitarist and percussion), Rory Simmons (trumpeter and guitarist), Loz Garratt (bass), and Brad Webb (drums). What a stirling job they all did, played more than one instruments and provided magical musical instrument moments on stage.

The Band (left to right): BradWebb, Loz Garratt, Jamie Cullum, Rory Simmons, and Tom Richards
Source: Instagram

For those who couldn’t be there can watch him by streaming at, and you can download full the concert here

Before, Jamie Cullum also did press conference, you can download here

Press Conference
Source: Twitter

That day was a FUNtastic day to remember, not only because this is the first time I come to Java Jazz after 10 years hold, but also the first time to me watched Jamie Cullum directly, can’t wait to see him again. Please come back real soon to Indonesia, don’t wait for another seven years again :D

Thanks To:
Java Jazz Festival 2014

Other Photos : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
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